
a tree in a grassy field

Read Fighting to Change Lives

Reading comprehension makes life easier.

Life is a precious entity that encompasses various aspects and experiences. Reading comprehension plays an important role in facilitating our journey through life.

Time is yours, make gold if you want and spend it in gold if you want.

Time is a precious resource like gold, which can be spent wisely or wasted.

If you want to separate something, go away from the crowd, the crowd gives you courage but takes away your identity.

To truly find yourself, it is sometimes necessary to stand out from the crowd, as its presence can embolden us but also undermine our individuality.

Don’t give up and don’t stop until you reach your destination, because the streams coming out of the mountain have not asked anyone on the way how far the sea is.

a waterfall on a rocky cliff

Persistence is key to achieving our goals, as streams from the mountains never question their path to the sea.

Only things that we want to forget remain in memory.

Interestingly, memories only retain things we want to forget

Wealth is lost in a stroke, beauty is destroyed by an illness, honor is destroyed by a mistake, so never be proud of these three things.

It is important not to be proud of temporary qualities like wealth, beauty or honor, because they can easily be lost.

The simple solution to depression is that you should have someone who listens to you quietly and doesn’t judge you and doesn’t tell you that you’re wrong, you’ll be fine in a few days. It’s a matter

When experiencing depression, finding someone who listens without judgment can often provide comfort and help with recovery.

My friend, life is very short and I know how much is left, so let’s live it happily.

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